Mobile Education
Mobile Education is an interprofessional program designed to deliver in-situ pediatric education to our rural and community partners. We foster supported learning environments where team members can work through common pediatric scenarios and have the opportunity to respond in real time to pediatric medical emergencies in a controlled and safe environment. Our program is committed to supporting our rural partners and helping to identify and correct any obstacles to our pediatric population being able to receive the best possible care.
A great benefit to having scenarios in your own working environment is being able to find your own equipment, medications, and pediatric references, in order to identify potential problems and challenges prior to having an actual patient. The Mobile Education program works with Telehealth and the ACH Transport Team during simulations, using telehealth resources to connect the rural site directly to the ACH PICU transport team, to assist in the management of the case.
For more information about our Mobile Education Program contact mobile@kidsim.ca
Cancellation Policy
Please be advised we require 72 hours notice prior to your scheduled mobile education session should you need to cancel. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

“What an excellent sim team that you have there! They were kind, engaging, accommodating and had a wealth of knowledge. Thanks again to all your team!”
- Rural Health Care Provider
“Thank you so much for yesterday! People were so happy and loved it. The participants in IO insertion were raving about the scenarios and the learning. Well done! I think it was great that they then had a seizure patient that came in that just reinforced all the points that you taught. Thanks again so much for braving the long day and sharing your knowledge!”
- Rural Health Care Provider